Search Results for: ESR

Some ways to measure ESR

There are many misunderstandings about measuring electrolytic caps and their ESR. 99% of the ESR meters are hobby instruments and more indicators as meters. However they can be usable if you understand how to use them and what they measure. … Continue reading

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All about ESR measurement

ESR is not new. It is not magical, it is not complicated. So it should be easy to measure. Just buy one of the those 50-100 Dollar wonderboxes and you can measure it. But do you now what you are … Continue reading

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ESR measurements on bad caps

While repairing a Topfield satelite receiver I found some nice bad electrolitics. A nice change to test them several ways. I measured ESR several ways. Using the DF function of a LCR bridge is a good indication. You can easy … Continue reading

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Build your own easy real ESR meter (also in English)

Englisch text at the bottom: Elders op deze site is meer over ESR en de verschillende meet manieren te vinden. De meeste meters meten een spanningsval van een blokgolf. Dit werkt niet. OK, het lijkt wel te werken, heel … Continue reading

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ESR meten (also in English)

An updated version: Een ELCO bestaat in werkelijkheid uit een weerstand (ESR), spoel (ESL) en de eigenlijke ELCO. Hier gaan we proberen deze zaken te meten. Om dat te doen zijn er diverse methodes. De beste manieren zijn speciale vectoriale … Continue reading

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Measuring Electrolytic Capacitors with DMM

This during a repair. I did some measurements to show that a DMM is unfit to measure capacitance with the goal to know if it is bad. New Panasonic low ESR FM, 50V 22 uFLCR meter: 21,01uF, D=0,025 at 100 … Continue reading

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Siglent SHS-1062 isolated scopemeter

    This is a 60 MHz portable scopemeter with isolated inputs. I had it from the Eleshop here for 2 weeks so I could play with it. I used it a week for my work (repairing test and calibration … Continue reading

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Ruska series 7000 druk calibrator

Deze Ruska is een druk calibrator. Volgens de eigenaar een van de beste in zijn soort. Er zit een heel speciaal stuk glaswerk in. Dit is ingebouwd in een oven. Het glaswerk is een zogenaamde Bourdon tube. Deze buis werd … Continue reading

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HP-4261A LCR meter pre-cal

This HP is like mine 4260 from the Japanese Factory and although the name and looks are related the inside is not. It looks to be in fine shape and is scheduled for calibration. The company who owns this meter … Continue reading

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How to repair testgear (and other electronics)

A lot of the measurement stuff I have, came to me in non working, or long not used condition. Repairing is something I enjoy very much. You learn a lot from it and if you succeed it feels good. A … Continue reading

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TRMS powermeter (Bob Pease)

In the Bob Pease show, What’s all this Wattmeter stuf anyhow, Bob shows a powermeter for0-1500W (at 110V) , The transistors multiply the currect times the voltage by modulation. The Result is TRMS power. So if you connect a capacitor … Continue reading

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Measuring inductor-cores and transformers

OK, you say, I have a LCR meter or a bridge so that’s a piece of cake. But inductors are kind a tricky when it comes to measuring. Especcially when they use core material. When I talk about inductors on … Continue reading

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Tektronix 2710 Spectrum analyser

This is a full featured but broken Tek spectrum analyser. It has the tracking generator, 300Hz filter, high res counter and video option installed. It was a gift from a circuits online member who did not had any use for … Continue reading

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low THD Wienbrigde sinewave generator

  Just for fun, a wienbridge based oscillator based on the principle of Bill  Hewlett and described by Jim Williams. I did not have the USA type # lights so I did a junkbox dive and searced for some lights. … Continue reading

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GR-1603 ZY bridge

    Thanks to my friend Ken for finding this beautifull bridge and sending it from the states to here. The nice pictures are made by Ken who even cleaned the unit before shipping. The GR-1603a was introduced in 1955. … Continue reading

Posted in Bridges and component testers, Measurement gear, network and spectrum Analysers | Comments Off on GR-1603 ZY bridge

LCR meter tutorial

An LCR meter is a typername for an instrument that is capable of measuring: Selfinductance of inductors and transformers Capacitance Resistance Some can do more, like conductance, the inverse of resistance. (G in mho or Siemens). History First the base. … Continue reading

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Bridge measurements 1, capacitance

As you can see on my site I have a few LCR bridges and they are great to measure LCR. Most are very accurate. % is not always looking great compared to modern LCR meters but they are real “worst … Continue reading

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Kelvin adapter for 4 wire measurements

  Bench meters often have a 4 wire, or Kelvin, measurement option. Good LCR and ESR meters too (but often they are 5 wire). And bridges use 3 wire. I needed a way to connect my kelvin clamps to all … Continue reading

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HP-9100B calculator

This is a report of progress made for the owner during the repair of a HP-9100B calculator. There are no microprocessors in side. It is one of the most famous calculators ever made. The first scientific calculator. I have no … Continue reading

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Capacitance of dry and wet soil

Just a fun experiment to see if a capacitive sensor is a way to determine if a plant needs more water. I made this very quick and dirty probe. It is not the right way if you want to measure … Continue reading

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Battery testing

Allways wanted to know in what health your battery is. There are several parameters that you hear and read about. Internal resistance (AC and DC) Capacity to deliver current Total Capacity left Voltage  (loaded and unloaded I started with a … Continue reading

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General Radio GR1608A

The GR1608 is a 0.1% LRCG LF bridge. The G stand for conductance. So this bridge houses several bridges in one. That is why they named it impedance bridge. A C-series, C-parallel, L-series, L-parallel (L from 50nH upto a bizar … Continue reading

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General Radio GR-1620A capacitance ratio bridge

For a femto-Farad hunter like me this is the holy grail of capacitance measuring. There exists a model above this whit even higher specs but they are very rare. This bridge was upto 2002 used by Martron a ukas-lab in the … Continue reading

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Modified Peak testers

I have three handy tools. A Peak Atlas semiconductor componenttester, a ESR60 ESR meter and a LCR40 LCR meter. You connect a dual or triple pin semiconductor to it and it tells you if it is OK, some parameters like … Continue reading

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HP-4260A LCR meetbrug

Dit is een HP uit 1966. Deze meter werd in 65/66 geintroduceerd en het byzondere was voor die tijd dat hij een auto mode had. Bij een meetbrug moet je meestal meerdere knoppen verdraaien die elkaar beinvloeden. Een zogenaamd sliding … Continue reading

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Gelijkricht schakeling, vreemde verschijnselen

In een topic op Circuits online had een van de leden een fenomeen opgemerkt wat ik zelf ook al een paar keer had gezien. Namelijk dat de DC spanning veel hoger wordt dan met de aangelegde AC spanning zou … Continue reading

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Fluke 760A meter calibrator

Een meter calibrator is bedoeld als een soort derde lijn calibratie. Misschien niet helemaal de juiste omschrijving maar ik zal het toelichten. Er bestaan standaards. Bij organisaties als het NIST in Amerika of het ijkwezen bij ons worden die standaards … Continue reading

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Fluke 332B DC-Voltage Standard

This is a 1973 Fluke 332B DC Voltage calibrator Specs: 0-1111,1111 Volt and 0,002% precision. (20uV/V) internal decade for setting voltage. Current is adjustable (0,5 – 60mA) . This to protect the meter you are calibrating, if you get a … Continue reading

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Tektronix 576, king of the curvetracers.

The Tektronix 576 was in that time so expensive that it did not sell in big numbers. That is why they made the 577. There is not a huge difference. The 576 is wider , has a readout and I … Continue reading

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Invloed van de meetopstelling bij meten aan kringen

Als je aan een kring meet zul je altijd die kring beinvloeden. Wat je ook doet. Daarom is er een belaste en een onbelaste Q. Bij resonantie geeft in theorie de condensator al zijn energie aan de spoel en de … Continue reading

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DC leakage and reforming electrolytic caps

This page is one of my pages about electrolytic caps. In this case DC leakage. Instead of just replacing caps to be sure, I wanted to measure the DC leakage and for most be able to reform them. Electrolytics have … Continue reading

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Diverse door mij gemaakte antenne tuners

Het belangrijkste onderdeel van een zendinrichting is de antenne. Alleen zal het signaal van je zender naar je antenne moeten. Dat gaat via een transmissielijn. De meest verliesvrije transmissie lijn is de open lijn ook wel kippenladder genoemd. Je zender … Continue reading

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Marconi TF1313a LCR meetbrug

Dit is een erg mooi en goed meet apparaat. Het kan alles met spoelen, weerstanden en condensators. Tot Q en D meten toe. Helemaal origineel en compleet. Ik heb  hier een PdF manual van.  Het is wat te groot om … Continue reading

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Scope Bandwith measurements

A scope has a defined bandwidth. If you have a 100Mhz scope this means the amplitude from your signal is down 3dB at 100MHz. This does not seem much but it is 0,707 times the real value. 6dB is only … Continue reading

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Replacing Electrolytic caps …or not ?

Electrolytic capacitors (=caps in this text) are parts that often cause problems. So worth the troubles to check them while doing a restoration.  The general opinion is replacing all caps.  Often not a bad idea but also a bit over … Continue reading

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Welcome to my website ! This site is about electronics related subjects. My main interest is collecting, Restoration and repair of measurement and calibration gear, network analyses and I like to design and build analog circuits. Most just because I like … Continue reading

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