This scope is from Fairchild, before Tektronix took over the marked end 50, early 60’s, Dumont was the biggest scope brand. Dumont then became fairchild. This scope, probably made around 1968, was top of a line that should bring Fairchild back to the top. This is a 100MHz dual beam scope and instead of the Tektronix 556 (same target market) it was mainly build with transistors and a few nuvistors.
There is nothing I could find about this scope, no manuals or anything. So if someone hase documentation I would be very pleased if I could get a copy.



Trace problems

Other beam
There is a ripple on the 100 and 200V. This shows in the trace.

Schematic -50V
Red is wat it should be, but the V101 gives 96V because it is biased with 15mA instead of 7 to 8 mA (the datasheet gives max 10mA and interpolating at 15mA it could be 95V. Strange ??